How to win over your customers through dialogue

Redakteur: Anna Kollmer                        Tour Guide Systems

A dialogue is an alternating discussion between two or more people. In our case, it is often held between two interest groups: the tour guide and guest. A guided group tour is not brought to life by a monologue, but rather by the interaction between the tour guide and group.

Dialogue instead of monologue

One benefit of a dialogue is that it promotes empathetic discussion. You can find out your counterpart’s needs and then respond to them. This option enables you to gain your counterpart’s confidence at the same time as enhancing your own impact. This is helpful, above all, with guided tours and visits with customers. A dialogue ensures that you do not run the risk of making poor judgements. Your customer feels understood and the chances of a deal increase accordingly..

Personal and on a level playing field

However, a dialogue like this does not always take place in isolation. <STRONG/> The environment is not always silent. Imagine that you are taking a delegation from your bank on a tour of your company to conclude an insurance policy. Or you are presenting a new production facility to your major customers. It is no easy task to host Q&A sessions with multiple groups at tourist hotspots either, as the group is too large and not everyone is fully understood – or perhaps the environment requires silence, such as in a church.

The BMS Audio TOM-Audio TG-101 is the ideal solution. This tour guide system with dialogue function enables the group to put questions to all participants. The tour guide can respond immediately and directly to questions, and no question or remark need wait until the end of the guided tour. To speak, the guest presses a button on their receiver and starts to talk. Before this, the guide must activate the dialogue function on the transmitter.

Your customer no longer feels like the simple receiver of information, but can help shape the conversation and feel valued. It is with good reason that dialogue with customers is a success factor enabling you to communicate in person and on a level playing field. It also engenders customer loyalty. A dialogue provides that opportunity for customers to have a positive impact on product management, as they can immediately put forward suggestions for improvement and constructive criticism. Enter into a dialogue with your customers with the

Tour guide system with dialogue function TOM-Audio TG-101
Tour guide system with dialogue function TOM-Audio TG-101