How to successfully guide with a tour guide system

Redakteur: Anna Kollmer                        Tour Guide Systems

Regardless of what they are saying, the tour guide must always be to be understood. Information needs to be received by the receiver directly and interference-free. We appreciate how complex the issue of transmitters and receivers is from communication science. If we only concentrate on the content, the basics are simple: the acoustics need to work!

The purpose of a tour guide system is clearly defined: Information should reach customers, business partners, guests or interested parties. Either because your message should result in a purchase or an order, or because the service itself consists of conveying knowledge and information – as is the case with travel groups.

If my counterpart does not understand me because...

  • my voice is too quiet,

  • he has impaired hearing,

  • the ambient noise is too loud

  • the group I am addressing is too large,

  • the acoustics of the environment are not ideal,

  • I can only whisper.

...then the information I am imparting will not reach them properly!

Now there’s professional help in the form of a digital tour guidesystem. Generally, a tour guide system consists of a transmitter and several receivers, which allow the tour guide to guide the group and, if need be, also communicate with it. A tour guide system is preferably compact, lightweight, easy to use and has a high operating time. Our products, individually tailored to your needs, incorporate all the requirements placed on a tour guide system. with our technology everyone always understands your speakers perfectly.

The tour guide systems have a wide range of uses: For the professional presentation of your company during company tours, audits and safety training courses, as a whisper interpreter system, for guided tours at educational and cultural events, for promotions, training courses and seminars, and much more. We have the right solution for every sector, whether you work in industry, tourism, the public sector or in the hotel industry

Do you only wish to guide a group?
Then our TOM-Audio TG-100 is the perfect system to meet your needs.

Do you wish to communicate with your group and hold a discussion with them?
Then our TOM-Audio TG-101 is the perfect system for your needs.

Do you need enhanced performance and over 30 hours of operation?
Then our TOM-Audio TG-200 is the perfect choice.

TOM-Audio TG-101 Tour guide system with dialogue function
TOM-Audio TG-101 Tour guide system with dialogue function
Jonas Bayerlein during a tour, BMS Audio
Jonas Bayerlein during a tour, BMS Audio